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The International Union for Muslim Scholars condemns the criminal acts of the Zionist toward Al-Aqsa Mosque and AL-Quds city, calling the Arab world to their roll toward Palestine.

The International Union for Muslim Scholars condemns the criminal acts of the Zionist toward Al-Aqsa Mosque and AL-Quds city, calling the Arab world to their roll toward Palestine. 

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah; Mohamed, and upon his family, companions and allies and after;


The International Union for Muslim Scholars is following with deep concern, the escalating criminal acts by the Zionists occupiers on the land of Palestine, towards Al-Aqsa Mosque from very serious the raids, and the launch of stun grenades inside the mosque that led to the burning of some of the carpets of the mosque, in addition to the continuous intrusion calls by Zionists groups, that reached to claim opening a door for the Jews in Al-Aqsa Al-Shareef Mosque, it is unfortunate that all of this and more is happening in amid of global silence and especially the Arab and Islamic silence! Except for those who have a mercy from my Lord.

In the ambience of such criminal acts of Zionism, against the Palestinian people and Al-Aqsa and the people of Al-Quds, IUMS sees the following:

1. The Union denounces the stormed of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist occupiers, and by Israeli security forces that dropped bombs ,which led to the burning of some Carpets in Al-Aqsa Mosque, also the Union condemns the attack on the people of Al-Quds while the Zionists who are trying to attack Al-Aqsa Mosque.

2.The Union warns of continuing such criminal acts toward Palestine and its just cause, and confirms that the Zionists are the aggressor and occupier of the blessed land and its people according to the laws and norms and international law.

3.The International Union calls all the world and international organizations to work in order to stop this Zionist crime, and stop t h e unexplained silence, at the time where the world is establishing an alliances against the organizations that are shown an extremist, while standing silently in front of an occupied that is breaking the laws without being stopped by anyone.

4.The Union calls for Arab and Islamic world and the free world, to organize a global events in the support of the fair issue of Palestine, and do a free global outburst on Friday, October 17, 2014 AD that rejects the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds, and rejects the Judaization of Al-Quds, Palestine, and calls the preachers to focus their khotba on Palestine cause and the Al Aqsa Mosque.

5.IUMS calls the leaders of Arab and Islamic countries to do their responsibilities towards the first nation's issue and especially the issue of Palestine, and to prosecute the offenders occupiers legally and internationally, and work to stop these attacks and repeated raids, towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the attempts to destroy it, or burn it, or the attacks on the people of Al-Quds , and the Union is wondering: is it worth for the Aqsa Mosque to form an Islamic Arabic humane alliance to face the Zionist attacks and restore the rights of the Palestinian people and stop the occupation? !


And Allah is the greatest, and the victory is for Palestine, and to all believers, and the shame is for the aggressors

"Do not think that Allah is unaware of the harmdoers work. He only gives them respite till the Day on which all eyes will stare" [Ibrahim: 42]

Date: 14 Dhul Hijja 1435
Corresponding to October 8, 2014,



Mr. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi                                                              Mr. Dr. Ali Muhiuddeen Al-Qurra Daghi

IUMS President                                                                                               General Secretary



IUMS Calls to relief and reduce the suffering of Kashmiri citizens also calls India and Pakistan to focus on limiting the suffering of the people.
IUMS congratulates the success of beloved Tunisia in organizing the parliamentary elections in an atmosphere of freedom, and recommends everyone to work according to the Tunisian interest.


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