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IUMS calls all Muslims to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque, and condemns the criminal acts of the Zionist occupier against it.

IUMS calls all Muslims to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque, and condemns the criminal acts of the Zionist occupier against it.


Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah; Mohamed, and upon his family, companions and allies and after;

IUMS is following with great concern, the escalating criminal events done by the Zionist occupier, towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, from the very serious incursions, and against the people of Al-Quds from arrests and killed without any investigation or prove, and they had the audacity last Thursday to shut down the mosque permanently in the faces of Muslims, all of this is an explicit violations of international laws and norms. It is unfortunate that all of this and more is happening, amid a global Arab and Islamic shameful silence; except for a few.

In the atmosphere of those Zionist criminal acts, against the Palestinian people and Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds, IUMS see the following:

1. The Union denounces the stormed of Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist occupiers, and the decisions of the closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the face of the congregation, and then open it in front of the elderly only, who are over the age of fifty, and considered all of these intrusions and decisions rejected completely, and sees it criminal in every sense.

2. The Union calls on Muslims to General horn, if not the horn to save the maximum of these crimes, to which the horn will be? Is there a greatest and holiest for Muslims after the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque of Al-Aqsa Mosque? The Union also calls for the free world from east and west and north and south to move to save the Al-Aqsa Mosque that is facing the demolition between the moment and the other in a global silence - unfortunately - as if this silence encourages occupation on the demolition.

3. The Union calls for the trial of the Zionist entity leaders, who gave the orders to their system of police to track down the people of Al-Quds and kill one of their sons, on charges of attempting to kill a Zionist right-wing fanatics, and who tried to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and so it is not investigated or eliminate or provisions ... etc., including the murderous calls for immediate international intervention.


4. IUMS holds the Arab and Islamic countries the responsibility for any damage caused Al- Aqsa Mosque or Al-Quds and people of Al-Quds, or to the cause of the whole of Palestine, where it is major nation issue which should not be absent from our everyday agenda and even intraday, and then For all countries to move in their all tracks , and at all levels, to stop the repeated attacks of the Zionist entity against the Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds and Palestine, and deter it, and to restore the rights of the Palestinian people, that is tolerated for so long.

5.The Union confirms that the confidence in the Islamic nation and especially the people do not end, not marred by any pessimism, but on the contrary, we have great confidence that people will not sell the blood of brothers and sanctities, and that the attempts of the Zionist criminal will push the people to the state of tension that will explode someday in the face of the occupation; to announce the liberation of our land and holy places stage, for everyone not to bet on the length of the patience of those people, or he thinks he will make decisions in criminal driven without its absence.

6. The Union refuses what the occupiers says always about the existence of their structure under the Al-Aqsa Mosque, or that they have any right to the Holy Land of Palestine, and believes it is all a matter of nonsense and myth that is not true, but they are illusions that they are playing through the minds of their followers or plotters for spoiling them in the ground and the dissemination of discord among the people.


And Allah is the greatest, and victory for Palestine, and to all believers, and the defeat of the aggressors and shame
"Rush lights and heavies and strive with your wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah is better for you if you know." [Al-Tawbah: 41]


Date: 9 Muharram 1436
Corresponding to November 2, 2014


Mr. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi                                        Mr. Dr. Ali Muhiuddin Al Qurra Daghi

IUMS President                                                                     General Secretary


IUMS congratulates the success of beloved Tunisia in organizing the parliamentary elections in an atmosphere of freedom, and recommends everyone to work according to the Tunisian interest.
IUMS deplores the wholesale death penalties in the right of the leaders of the Islamic group in Bangladesh


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